Prospective Members
Thank you for your interest in the Order of the First Families of the Alabama Territory.
This group, like most hereditary societies, requires proof for each generation from the applicant, and his/her spouse, all the way back to the pre-statehood ancestor.
For the first several generations, you should have birth certificates and marriage certificates, or death certificates. Once you get to the earlier generations (before birth/death certificates) you will need census records, estate records, or marriage certificates. You must prove both husband and wife's dates for each generation. To prove an ancestor was in Alabama before statehood, you will need to find land records, estate records, marriage records, census records, or perhaps War of 1812 records. (Properly documented family Bibles may work also.)
Life Memberships are $400.00, due at the time the application is made. Of that, $50 is a non-refundable genealogist fee. This means the fee is not refunded if the applicant fails to prove the application.
IF you are interested in applying and believe you can put together the proofs, please print and complete the Prospective Member Form and return it to the address listed. Detailed instructions are included, but if you have questions please ask. This is NOT the application. IF you plan to rely on an AGS FFA Certificate #, leave the lineage info on page 2 blank and write your AGS FFA Certificate # on the bottom of page 2.
Once we receive and approve the completed Prospective Member Form, you will receive by email an application with detailed instructions. You will have Nine (9) Months from that point to complete and return the application. Applications not completed/received within Nine (9) Months will incur a $50 Late Application Fee.
Thank you for your interest in the First Families of the Alabama Territory. We look forward to counting you among our membership and thank you for supporting the First Families of the Alabama Territory.
Lynda Paulette Aydelott Moreau
Order First Families Alabama Territory
Click on the PDF icon to view the Prospective Member Form.
Current Member Ancestors
Don't see your ancestor listed? Join the Order of the First Families of the Alabama Territory.
Lewis Morgan Abbott
Maxmillian Armstrong Sr.
William F. Barclay
Jacob Broyles
Allen Christian
Barnett Claunch
Isaac Criner
George Dailey
Benjamin Darby
Samuel Davis
Mary Gray Deason
Andrew Deaton
Mary Bradford Deaton
Charles DuMont
David Gilbert
Gabriele Badreau dit Graveline
Clinch Gray
Bolling Hall
Gabriel Hanby
John Allen Hancock
Henry Harless
James Harrison
John Hicks
Robert Higginbothom
Reuben Hildreth Jr.
Adam Hollinger
Richard Holmes
Marie Therese Huche'
Andrew Jackson Jobe
William Jobe
Thomas Johnson
Edmund King Jr.
Andrew LaPrade
Jehu Lawler
Needham Lee Sr.
William Legg
David Lindsay
John Love
John M. McLehaney
Benjamin Merrill
William Bartlett Milam
Silas Morgan
Robert D. Moseley
Peter Philen
Hezekiah Posey
Elijah Presnell
Zebulon Rainey
William J. Reed
Archibald Rials
John Rogers Sr.
John David Rogers
Jonah Rogers
Robert Rogers Jr.
James Seale
Abihue Sewell
John H. Smith
George W. Stiggins
James Asbury Tait
Harry Toulmin
Norman Urquhart
Anthony Winston
Robert Anthony Yeldell